Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Rainbow Charity

Learning Styles on the Rainbow Charity 
Task 2 

Introduction to Learning Styles 
There are three Learning styles they are Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic each one different but they are the way people learn.  

Auditory people learn by listening to thing and being able to explained what you heard such as listing to someone talk about an PowerPoint.      

Visual people learn best through seeing thing untwine this help if work is show to them with a PowerPoint or video so if some see a video they could tell you what the seen.   

Verbal people find it easy to express themselves to other; this is because they are best in both Writing and talking, you find it early to learn if you where to speak about the work then write it.      

Kinesthetic people learn through doing thing and bring able to more when they work you can tell if some is Kinesthetic if they can’t sit still for long, they learn best by moving or doing something like role playing. 

Logical people like to use there brain for mathematical this are people who work well with numbers and can perform complex calculations most of the time, they tent to pick up logic flaws in other people words, writing or actions, they sometime point this out to people.     

Social learner prefers to learn in groups this is because they communicate well with other people by verbally and non-verbally when they work. for them to work best they need to work in   

Solitary Lerner are like to think there work over, they would prefer to work alone this is the best way they learn is by them self.        

What’s your preferred learning style? 
My preferred learning style is Kinesthetic because I am an Kinesthetic learner myself I find it easier to do my work when I listening to music and using an computer to do my work this help with my spelling.  


So now you know what your Learning Style is, how will this help to make your learning more effective? Do you think this will help your personal development? 

I now know that I am logical and Kinesthetic leaner so the best way for me to leaned is maths games because I learn best when I am doing something and working with numbers, the best way I find for me to leaned is with gum so I am doing something and with music so that sound around me doesn't distract me when I'm leaning are doing work.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mind Map of what you need in jobs

Personal Development Plan Skills Review

Review date                                                                          
Progress diary
1 ICT Sills

Targets  for improving my ICT skills

  • Use ICT book to improve my ICT skills.

  • Use software that can improve my work in word or on the net.

  • Use word to process typing in my work so I can type faster this way I will work faster.

Update software and hardware when I can so that I can keep up to date with work like word.      
I feel that I can improve in my work in 2 year.
I have use word software to improve my work for my blog
I started this on 28/10/2012)

I feel that I have achieved my set of skill for using Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, flash to help me process my work. 
I started this on 20/3/2013)
2 Good time keeping

Targets  for improving my time keeping

  • I mostly use my phone to set of an alarm to wake me up.

  • Go to bed early so I can wake up at the right time when needed.

  • Be prepared so that you not rushing.
Get a car and a driving license so if I need to get work early I can drive there.      
I feel that I can Improve in time in a year.
I now use my phone to wake me up for the bus to tech
   I started this on 28/10/2012)

I go to bed now around 11pm.
 I started this on 2/19/2013)
3 Well organised

Target  for improving how to be Well organised

  • I get the equipment that is needed.

  • Make sure I have a phone on me at all times so if the boss needs me he/she can get me.

  • Keep a diary and mark on it the days you have something coming up
Get a timetable of when I do my work.
I feel that I can Improve in time in 4 mouths.
I have got the equipment needed for my task
I started this on 20/10/2012)

I now have my phone with me at all time so if I get an job and the boss what me he can get in touted
I started this on 18/3/2013)
Review date

Writing skill and  spelling skill

Target  for improving my  Writing skill and  spelling skill

  • Use the dictionary when I can, when needed.

  • Use Google when not sure of words

  • Use read and write (software) to help me with spelling every day
Write in a book every day to help my Writing skill and spelling skill.  
I feel that I can improve in 4 year.
I have also use Google to help me with my spelling
I started this on 25/10/12 )

I have start to read book to help me with my spelling
I started this on 08/03/2013)
2  People Skills

Target  for improving

  • I could go to club to meet people

  • I could help out a charity

  • I could join a class e.g. cooking, sports.
Join facebook
I feel that I can improve in a year or 2.
I have bining going out to nightclub like the bank
I started this on 5/4/2013)

I have join Facebook and have been using it to set up night for me to meet up with friends
I started this on 02/11/2012)
3 Loss of Concentration

Target  for improving

  • Play music when working

  • I will not have any distractions if I can.

  • Use blue tack to keep me concentration 

  • Working in an quiet room
I feel that I can improve in a 10 mouths.
I have download music on to my phone to help me to concentration on my work.
I started this on 02/12/2012)

I work in a quiet room every Thursday from 1pm to 2pm  I started this on 03/01/2013)