Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mind Map of what you need in jobs

Personal Development Plan Skills Review

Review date                                                                          
Progress diary
1 ICT Sills

Targets  for improving my ICT skills

  • Use ICT book to improve my ICT skills.

  • Use software that can improve my work in word or on the net.

  • Use word to process typing in my work so I can type faster this way I will work faster.

Update software and hardware when I can so that I can keep up to date with work like word.      
I feel that I can improve in my work in 2 year.
I have use word software to improve my work for my blog
I started this on 28/10/2012)

I feel that I have achieved my set of skill for using Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, flash to help me process my work. 
I started this on 20/3/2013)
2 Good time keeping

Targets  for improving my time keeping

  • I mostly use my phone to set of an alarm to wake me up.

  • Go to bed early so I can wake up at the right time when needed.

  • Be prepared so that you not rushing.
Get a car and a driving license so if I need to get work early I can drive there.      
I feel that I can Improve in time in a year.
I now use my phone to wake me up for the bus to tech
   I started this on 28/10/2012)

I go to bed now around 11pm.
 I started this on 2/19/2013)
3 Well organised

Target  for improving how to be Well organised

  • I get the equipment that is needed.

  • Make sure I have a phone on me at all times so if the boss needs me he/she can get me.

  • Keep a diary and mark on it the days you have something coming up
Get a timetable of when I do my work.
I feel that I can Improve in time in 4 mouths.
I have got the equipment needed for my task
I started this on 20/10/2012)

I now have my phone with me at all time so if I get an job and the boss what me he can get in touted
I started this on 18/3/2013)
Review date

Writing skill and  spelling skill

Target  for improving my  Writing skill and  spelling skill

  • Use the dictionary when I can, when needed.

  • Use Google when not sure of words

  • Use read and write (software) to help me with spelling every day
Write in a book every day to help my Writing skill and spelling skill.  
I feel that I can improve in 4 year.
I have also use Google to help me with my spelling
I started this on 25/10/12 )

I have start to read book to help me with my spelling
I started this on 08/03/2013)
2  People Skills

Target  for improving

  • I could go to club to meet people

  • I could help out a charity

  • I could join a class e.g. cooking, sports.
Join facebook
I feel that I can improve in a year or 2.
I have bining going out to nightclub like the bank
I started this on 5/4/2013)

I have join Facebook and have been using it to set up night for me to meet up with friends
I started this on 02/11/2012)
3 Loss of Concentration

Target  for improving

  • Play music when working

  • I will not have any distractions if I can.

  • Use blue tack to keep me concentration 

  • Working in an quiet room
I feel that I can improve in a 10 mouths.
I have download music on to my phone to help me to concentration on my work.
I started this on 02/12/2012)

I work in a quiet room every Thursday from 1pm to 2pm  I started this on 03/01/2013)